
Top Features to Look for in a Secure PDF Viewer

Today, the usage of Portable Document Format (PDF) has become ubiquitous in businesses globally. Whether it's proposals, contracts, or newsletters, PDF is the go-to format for sharing and preserving documents in an undistorted manner. Given the sensitive nature of some of these documents, having the right software for viewing and managing PDFs is paramount. When choosing a PDF viewer, security should be the top priority.
Let's take a look at the top security features that you should be on the lookout for while selecting a secure PDF viewer.
1. Encryption: One of the most important features of any secure PDF viewer is data encryption. Data encryption translates data into another form, or code, so that only people with access to a secret key (also known as a decryption key) or password can read it. This feature ensures that even if your document falls into the wrong hands, the information contained remains inaccessible without the required decryption key.
2. Watermarking: This feature allows the users to add customizable watermarks to their documents. It could primarily serve two purposes; to discourage unauthorized sharing or indicate the document's confidential nature. Companies invest significant resources into their proprietary information. A watermark feature can play a crucial role in maintaining such resources' integrity.
3. Access Control: With multi-level access control, administrators can define user roles and set permissions regarding who can view, edit, or otherwise interact with a document. This feature is exceedingly useful because it ensures that sensitive information only reaches the relevant people, preventing unauthorized access and potential data corruption.
4. Secure File Sharing: When dealing with sensitive information, standard emailing or file-sharing platforms can pose a security threat. Hence, a secure PDF viewer should offer a secure file sharing feature, which ensures that the shared PDFs are encrypted and only accessible by the intended recipients.
5.Security Measures Complying with GDPR: The new standard for consumer rights regarding their data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It's imperative that a secure PDF viewer complies with these regulations, including the right to access and the right to erasure, ensuring customer data's overall safety.
6. File Restoration: A disaster recovery feature ensures that all changes made in the documents are saved automatically, and previous versions can be restored. This feature can be helpful in an instance of accidental deletion or modification.
7. Audit Trails: An efficient PDF viewer should have a feature to keep track of all the activities related to a specific document. This is useful in keeping records of edits, access points, and users, adding an extra layer of security by making it easy to identify potential threats or breaches.
8. Anti-Tamper Measures: A secure PDF viewer should include features that make tampering with files extremely difficult, if not entirely impossible. These features could include things like disabling the print, copy, and save functions.
Several tools on the market offer these features for PDF protection, usage analytics, and tooling. Amongst them, one online tool worth considering is "HelpRange." It's a software solution that allows you to track and secure your PDF and document files in real-time for secure viewing, sharing, and analytics. However, no matter the tool you select, make sure it provides the top security features listed above.
Ultimately, a secure PDF viewer is not a luxury but a necessity in the contemporary business landscape, considering the volume and nature of data that organizations handle. Identifying and using the right kind of PDF viewer can not only streamline your document management process but also safeguard your vital data and protect your business from potential threats.

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HelpRange is "Virtual Data Room For Business-Critical Documents Platform". HelpRange is a cutting-edge virtual data room platform for document access controls and in-depth analytics, ensuring superior management and usage insights for your documents.